If you are you a parent who is currently going through court proceedings, family law or mediation or if you need information with regards to child contact arrangements, please contact our dedicated team at LEAP.
We provide a safe neutral place here at The Leap Children & Families Centre, for children to meet and spend time with a parent/family member they no longer live with.
Supervised contact sessions are available during the hours of 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday with the exception of our late night opening on Thursdays.
We also provide Saturday Supported Contact Sessions.
Contact us to book a place by emailing contactcentre@stpeterspartnerships.org
What We Do
Keeping children in touch with parents following separation
Our values are:
Ensuring children are safe at all times.
Child centred within the family, where parents work collaboratively and there is a reduction of conflict.
Promoting equality, celebrating diversity.
Independent and impartial.
Respecting individuals, preserving confidentiality.
Valuing and supporting voluntary service.
Sharing skills and expertise to achieve better outcomes for children and their families.